Kevin Dunn has become a prominent voice in Canada and around the world, a champion for life.
This week we’re sharing a full interview with Kevin who is featured prominently in Episode 3 of our MAiD series on the ethics of euthanasia. You can watch it for free at Unveil TV.
Matt and Daniel recently joined Kevin for the #LifeOnFilm series to screen Episode 2 of UnveilTV’s MAiD in Canada and to share about their experiences making the series. (The full interview is below and starts at the 39 minute mark).
We’re so grateful for everyone who has watched MAiD in Canada, and for people like Kevin Dunn who are speaking courageously for life.
We’re offering the series for free on our platform to bring as much awareness to the issue as possible. Please continue to help us spread the word about the viewer-supported series.
If you’re new to the topic here’s some of our other content that will help you learn about medical assistance in dying (MAiD):
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