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First look at new documentary series on assisted dying

Here’s a teaser trailer for MAiD in Canada, a new documentary series that begins filming this February 2023.

About the documentary series: MAiD in Canada explores six questions about medical assistance in dying. Engaging stakeholders in the medical establishment, mental health awareness advocates, Canadian veterans, and more.

Want to help ensure Canadians see the series?

We have 3 ways you can show your support right now:

  1. Sign up to see the film. Anyone can watch for free when they sign up at UnveilTV and will be among the first to know when the first episode is released. (If you want early access, become a paid subscriber to UTV to see it first).

    Sign up to Watch

  2. Share with a friend. Send people who need to know to the site (and if you share on social media, use the hashtag #maidinCanada on social media).

  3. Help fund the series (travel + marketing). Our hope is to offer the series for free so that people are informed and learn about what’s at stake. Any amount will help!

Support the Series

Get background on the new film series by reading Who Will Be Next?: MAiD in Canada - A story that Canadians and the world need to hear

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