
Making a Babylonian prayer room 🙏🏻

Part 3 - Behind the scenes of DANIEL 🔥

We all know the story.

Daniel prayed three times a day. It became his Achilles heel, or so the political operatives of his day thought.

The prayers were not only heard, they changed history.

It’s part of the story that’s made such and impact on us at Unveil as we bring the new epic project about Daniel to life.

Prayer moves the un-moveable. We all face obstacles we can’t imagine knocking over in our own strength, don’t we?

Watch more exclusive footage on our new Daniel page on UnveilTV.

DANIEL on UnveilTV

A behind the scenes look at Daniel, the new film by the Kooman brothers

A look behind the production veil

As we were about to jump into production for the footage you’re now seeing—our critical proof-of-concept work that’s helping to kick the whole project off—we were blindsided by the work of political operatives.

A few months ago, the Canadian government accused the Indian government of treacherous acts, including murder shortly after the embarrassing G7 summit in India. You know, the one where Trudeau couldn’t get his plane up off the runway?

But what do political backroom dealings have to do with little Canadian filmmakers like us?

In the days and weeks that followed, India shuttered its doors to all Canadian travel and the trip we had meticulously planned was held up.

Cue the flashbacks to previous film struggles like She Has A Name, when the Thai government denied our film permit days before principal photography! (You can watch us, prayerfully, agonizingly, walk through that experience in out BTS on UnveilTV).

So, what do you do? You pray.

Prayer mattered. And it made all the difference!

Long story short: the show went on. And it caused us to lean in and depend on God even more, to do what already seems impossible: produce an epic film independently, one that faithfully and powerfully tells a critical story for our time.

Filmmaking is a faith adventure. It can be gruelling. There’s unexpected twists and turns. It’s pretty fun.

We're excited to give you a glimpse of how we brought the famous prayer room to life as we take you behind the scenes.

Our art crew transformed a little ground-floor stone out-building in a northern region of India into the comfortable bedroom of a Babylonian palace with soaring views of the capital city.

When we think about it, it’s a neat picture of what God can do for any situation. Transform and remake our sparse, ground-floor into something incredible.

If you’re inspired by the work we are doing to bring stories to life, including the new Biblical epic Daniel, please take two minutes to chip in.

Your support means the world to us at Unveil, and literally gets the job done. A big thank you to those who have contributed so far!

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